Tag Archives: thoughts

Multi-Talent – Boon or Bane?

Generally every one is multi-talented. It means that a person has many different talents in many different areas.  It depends on all how you perceive things around you and create interest towards it. Recently I read an article about multi-talented tasks. It asserted and came up with some thoughts that multi-talented will make you lose the focus on one subject hence you aspire less in your works than the person who is not. This made me to think and to probe over this subject.

I remember one of my friend was telling during my college days, “Jaya’s baby will be the luckiest in the world and would be brought up very cozy and comfy with all her creative makes. She was telling this when she saw my dress which was designed and sewed of my own. Thanks to my mom. She is the real creative person  but she didn’t get good exposure or platform to showcase her talents. Along with my sister who got similar interest and hobbies, we were making wonders apart from our studies.

Right from my college days, I receive lot of compliments about the innate ability to do any sort of work in creative manner. I showed a great interest in art and crafts. And along with the background of communication studies, I chose my career in visual communication and become a creative graphic designer. My workplace has become a great platform to quench my thirst for creativity. I enjoy every click I make. Though I thoroughly enjoy and love my job, I always tell myself, “Long way to go”. I always wish to be better and better everyday. In my dictionary of life there is no BEST things. I do not want to make  fullstops on anything saying THE BEST. So I like the term BETTER, better which always lead you to the betterment and provides room to improve and grow.

Being a mom of two, naturally your days become shorter and busier. Apart from home making things, I always feel like I have tons of work to do in this world. My list is becoming endless. My mood swings very often from the confident to do anything different and creative to the feeling that nothing has been achieved so far as most of it remains in my mind’s list and left idle. Desperately I started analyzing my “to do” list and found many things that left undone are what I wish to do of my own. Since I always long for ‘something different’ stuffs, whether it is a Kid’s bed, dress, scrapbook, interior decor, Paintings… I wish to do all those of my own and shows lesser likings towards the stuffs available in the market and to pay huge amount for it. And same in the case of designs I make. I always look for perfect and better designs, most of the works done by others are not satisfactory to me. This attitude of mine makes my list bigger and bigger and sometime fetches some negative and unpleasant feelings.

Looking at the positive side, I have pretty good stuffs to share. There is no boredom or monotony in life. When both my kids started going school, first day I felt that I was left in the planet where I could hear only the tapping sound of keyboard and ticking of clock. But soon I started feeling good with my tight schedules to do my routines, office works and other interesting stuffs in my list. If you think, focusing on single subject will lead to progress, you may be wrong. May be one task at a time may work well. That doesn’t mean that you should focus only on a single task throughout your life. The people who are not multi-talented, likely to become lazy as they are lacking in variety, they get bored with their repetitious tasks hence show lack of interest on their works.

Personally I just can’t imagine a life focusing on a single task throughout and making it tedious and monotonous. Multi-talent makes my days busy and helps me to feel Proud, Good, Full, Ease and Complete.


Posted by on July 16, 2011 in My thoughts and views


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