Category Archives: DIY

DIY- Upcycle old T-shirt to Kids pillow.

I have been thinking for months to do some DIY stuff. Work, daily chores and kids took most of my time and many of my wishes were just remained idle in my to do list. January 4th,  my little girl’s 4th birthday. I thought to make something special for her. When I found my daughter playing with a tiny snail toy, Got a quick flash and it was not a bad idea.  I wished to do one in the form of pillow as my crazy little girl loves cozy kids pillows. When I tried to grab some clothes that suit a snail body and shell, all I found was the piles of old clothes in the shelves. Well, its time to upcycle her dad’s old t-shirt to a toy pillow.


  1. First draw the shape of the snail body and shell in a paper.Image
  2. Trace it and cut those in the clothes as in picture and sew the sides.Image
  3. Invert it and the skin of the snail is ready now.Image
  4. Mark eyes, smile using hand embroidery. Fix a bow at one side that adds more girlish to the toy.Image
  5. Now its time to stuff. Voila! Snail cushion is ready to decorate your kids room! Image

Written and created  by: Jaya

Send in your queries and comments!


Posted by on December 30, 2012 in DIY


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